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Safeguarding & Wellbeing


Young Minds
Shout 85258
Childline 0800 11 11

ThinkNinja is a mental health app designed for 10 to 18-year-olds. Using a variety of content and tools, it allows young people to learn about mental health and emotional wellbeing, and develop skills they can use to build resilience and stay well.
MIND 0300 1233393

Student safeguarding and wellbeing is very important to us at Fairfield High School.

If students need support in school they can talk to their form tutors or ask for an appointment at The Nigel Davies Wing to talk to one of the Learning Managers. This could be on a 1-2-1or as part of small group work.

Alongside Mrs Hart, Mrs Harley and Mrs Shilcock, students are also able to access appointments with the school counsellor; school nurse and a member of the WEST (Wellbeing and Emotional Support Team).

Students are also able to use The Nigel Davies Wing to meet with support workers from other agencies.

Each Year Group has its own Google Classroom dedicated to student safeguarding and wellbeing. The codes to join these classrooms for students are listed below:

Year 7   rp5tiij 

Year 8 oqtt2oq 

Year 9 iz25aq3 

Year 10 led3air 

Year 11 7axdjw6 


